Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Thankfulness Revisited

So the past couple years I've spent the month of November posting things I'm thankful for.  I find around the Holidays especially it's easy to overlook the positives in life that we should be grateful for.  Every day I post something, be it big or little, funny or serious, to remind myself (and others) that nothing should be taken for granted.  This year will be no different, and since I've missed November 1st already, I'll go ahead and post two things today.  We'll get started with the big two.  =)

I'm thankful for my husband, Wade.  He's the better half of me, and through our four years of marriage (and counting!) he's been the most supportive, caring and constant part of my life.  I feel lucky every day that my life was blessed with him.  =)

I'm also thankful for my family, especially my mom and dad.  I had a great, secure and loving childhood that continues into adulthood.  They raised me with discipline (which I become more thankful for every day seeing children that haven't been!), honor and love and I hope that I have made them proud with the person I have become.  There are so many children out there who never know the kind of childhood I had, and I know it wasn't always easy for my parents to provide.  Thank you.  =)

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